Monday, December 19, 2005

first pulses

then there is beginning.

engineering the invisible blueprint
laid out by all of You, and
wired in everything, wired in each one

Fold on the flesh
Dust the bone
Entwine the ganglion
Trace the features

concealing revealing
my x-ray thinned so bright
that fatal one--yes, [εks] marks the spot
HERE, ready for death.

flicker flicker fleck.
trying to breathe,
i'm trying to see.
the illumination for the filament is not yet given
i'm just deadweight on
this metal line
contracting? relaxing? contracting .. relaxing ..

and PING: You come--
the bulb head breaking,
the inert gas leaking.
i'm disrupted
flesh and bone and nerves demolishing

this mess You made is me
and this reparation You suggest
hurts me
Because my filament has never been lit
and i've never breathed outside the bag

flicker will finally GLOW
and this electricity cuts the circuit,
breaks off the tungsten.

In the beginning, the world was made with electricity
buzzing and burning and crackling and singing.


Blogger valerie salerie said...

part I and II are not separate from each other, just so you know. and i'm going to ask for your comments on First Pulses before i explain anything... :)

4:18 PM  
Blogger said...

I'm sensing some pretty heavy sexual imagery here...

2:06 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I don't even know what to say about this one...really intense. I like how you took creation out of its neat, sunday-school packaging and made it into the violent, messy affair which seems to define existence. Good job.

3:46 PM  
Blogger .letting go said...

I love this. With your permission I'll read it on my show in the next week or two.

3:22 AM  
Blogger valerie salerie said...

i'm re-reading this post and the comments that i didn't realize were here before, and for the record, there are no intended sexual innuendos. at all.

rather, i was thinking about John 1: 1-5, and how Jesus is Life and Light and was present during creation.
the contracting and relaxing are movements of the heart (hence first pulses like our first heartbeats when we're created)
the stanzas about fatal x-rays and dead filaments reveals who i really am as a sinful person who is doomed to die
yet as it is with the passage in John, Jesus is the Light and the true Light, and here i compare Him to the electric circuit that zaps life into me
the last stanza is what i imagine the world was made with--Jesus the true Light/Electricity present and lots of lovely hullabaloo

11:22 PM  

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