Saturday, February 04, 2006

Desperate refusal of previous invitation

Version 1b:
Peeking through the covers,
You entice me.
Glaring from behind the glass,
You taunt me.
Jumping in under the covers, [Noah's idea to bring temptation into the bed]
You invade me.

I have seen and the longing to taste grows.

Version 2:
The green light on the security alarm box fails to blink [inspired by Jordan's attention to detail]
as you come in.
Your shadow interrupts the flicker of the tv
on the wall behind the couch.
A shiver runs up my spine as my hand [Brendan's idea to bring the threat closer]
touches a warmth under the covers.

I do not want you here.
I did not ask for you to come.

But I opened the door
and did not close it when you came by.

{I think the use of the noncontracted forms (ie. do not, did not) seem to make it more urgent, though less personally convinced. I think the second version - though entirely different from the original (which I will post eventually) - is more powerful. The original was too anitclimactic.}


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